Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Throat Look Like

Ep 62: Designing Your Identity: Exactly Who You Want To Be

Well, going into today's topic, I tell you that because it is a subject for for long, for more than one episode, my idea is to make a series of 3 episodes on the topic of Designing your identity. Here in the path are always talking about design your life, to design the life of your dreams but to achieve that is important to build for yourself, for yourself. Thus was born this series "Designing Your identity" that will consist of these 3 parts:
  • you exactly who you want to be
  • Opportunities for Improving
Improvement Plan In this first installment we left then "You are exactly who you want to be." Stop a bit in this sentence. You're exactly who you want to be. May at first you do not make much sense, I can say, but Carol, I want to be more successful, more sociable, more money, be more joyful, happier, and so on.

The point I want to emphasize here is that all those things you want them to be different, depend on you to do something different, depending on you. And maybe because you are not 100% aware of this, your power to be whoever you want, you have not yet changed. But once you assume that really is in you be as you want them, you realize that this phrase is very empowering!: You're exactly who you want to be. You are who you choose to be who you choose to be.

But you are who you can be. I do not like the word realism, because it is much used and abused to justify a lack of motivation to achieve a goal, is widely used as an excuse to do nothing, to take no chances. But it is necessary at times, and I would give examples for you to be alert and able to identify when they are using to hide a fear or insecurity, or otherwise. For example, since we can not turn back time or travel back in time, it is unrealistic for me today trying to become a professional ballet dancer, because to be, the dancers begin at an early age with a very rigorous training, and I did not. Could learn to dance ballet, if that's what I like, but probably would not devote myself to ballet professionally. On the other hand, I am engineer by profession, studied Electronic Engineering. But I decided today I want to be, for example, a psychologist, that's what I really love that fills me more than being an engineer and dedicating myself to psychology would be much happier, it is unrealistic to think I can do ? Yes! Because there is no age limit to learn, even to go to college. I really could study psychology at any age and become in psychologist. And because you are who you can be and not who can not, is there to have you love, patience and respect for the animal you are, because after all, we all do the best we can with the resources we have.

When we say you are who you can be, we should also say "you are who you think you can be," because we will see more in the third part of this series, but your beliefs about what is possible or not for you, determine what it is finally possible, especially your beliefs about what is NOT possible.

Finally, you who insist on being every day, every moment, every moment. Do not want to jump right here on the issue of gaps between who are and who you want to be, because that is the subject of the second part of this series, but I want you to stay with the question: what aspects you can recognize that although you do not like, insist on repeating day after day, constantly? You might be pessimistic, for example, or like me, who until a time was very sarcastic. There came a time when I no longer hated even myself. But I thought I could not stop, could not be different, and of course, continued day after day, with my sarcasm ... obviously you can imagine, thank God I realized that he could change. You who insist on being every day and declare who you are. "I'm bad for sports "was my statement until some time until I realized it was only an excuse for not making a change in my sedentary habits. Einstein said "The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing and expecting different results, so if there is any aspect of your personality or your person you'd like to be different, you have to change something you, you can not expect different results unless you change something.

Summing up this first installment of the series "Designing Your Identity", I would like you to stay with the ideas "are exactly who you want to be," "You are who you choose to be who you choose be, "" You are who you be and who you think you can be, "and" You are who insist on being day after day. "

I do not know you but I find it very empowering realization that taking responsibility for the way I am is mine and nobody else, thinking that the characteristics of each of us can be modified if we do not like me very quiet and somehow also eliminate the frustration because I know I can do something when not satisfied.

When we truly understand and incorporate these concepts and work on ourselves designing our identity, identity that we want, we are proud and grateful who we are and never feel that we have to apologize for being who we are, who we are.

As task for all, I would like us to stay with to realize how we are, how we react, what habits we have, what are the major characteristics of our personality, what are those 3, 4, 5, 10 things define us and make us unique. Without judging, just bring all that information to our conscious level. For example: I am punctual, indecisive, always take mid-morning coffee, I like to know about new technologies, I dislike interrupt me when I watch TV, etc.. Pay attention as we are. Nothing more. The next

installment of this series then we will see opportunities for improvement, we will see how to identify gaps and also find out who you want to be, sometimes not as easy as it sounds be clear.

Well, we reached the end of this episode, I hope you liked it.

Ah, I wanted to tell me I'm traveling this next Thursday, October 1, so I'm not sure if I can keep doing the two weekly episodes of the podcast as usual until you return to Chicago, but I will do my best to achieve it. Anyway I will be reporting through this blog for any news. I will also put the link to the page of the marathon, where my name will be able to know if you reach the goal or not, and how long.

This gives me the perfect link to access the comment that they can now blog via www.larutadelavida.com , I think it's much easier to remember than the address above. The mail is larutadelavida@gmail.com , or we can communicate via twitter.com / larutadelavida . I appreciate all the feedback and support that have made me get through all these ways, Jesus Mercado by Twitter, Sole of Argentina for the blog, Luis Felipe, Panama and Mexico Diana Hair by mail.

The music on this podcast is called Sunshine and is Kevin Mcleod .

Now I say goodbye, take care, reflect on these days over who want to be, a hug and a nice trip!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Is The Best Brand Of Canned Peaches

Ep 61: Being Happy is an Attitude

For today's episode I chose to use a small story I sent an auditor to mail larutadelavida@gmail.com , so I want to thank Mapi Martin of Spain for writing and for your support.

happiness seeker
Legend has it that a man heard that happiness was a treasure. From that moment began searching. First
ventured all the pleasure and sensual, then by the power and wealth, after the fame and glory, and that's sweeping the world of pride, knowledge, travel, work, leisure and all that was within reach of his hand.
At a bend in the road was a sign that said: "You have two months to live"
The man, tired and worn down by the troubles of life are said
"These two months to devote to share everything I have the experience, knowledge and life with people around me."
And the indefatigable seeker of happiness, only at the end of his days, he found inside, where I could share, at the time he devoted to others, in the waiver that made of himself to serve, was the treasure he had so desired.

understood that to be happy you need to love, accept life as it comes, enjoy the small and big, to know oneself and be accepted as is, feel loved and valued, but also want and value, have reason to live and hope and reason to die and rest.
understood that happiness arises in the heart, with the dew of affection, tenderness and understanding. Are moments and moments of wholeness and well-being, which is attached and connected to the way people view and interact with it, which is always out and to have it there to enjoy inner peace.
finally discovered that every age has its own measure of happiness and that God alone is the ultimate source of joy, to be Him, love, kindness, reconciliation, forgiveness and grant total.
And in his mind remembered the sentence that says:
"How much we enjoy what little we have and how much we suffer for what we want." Being happy is an attitude. Author Unknown.

On other occasions we have discussed this topic, but I think it never hurts to remember, do not know why, but it seems that we forget easily that being happy is really an attitude and is up to us. It is not something external, not dependent on things, people or circumstances beyond our control, but comes from within. The same thing, circumstance, experience can be lived by a person as a tragedy or misfortune and by another person as an opportunity. A friend named me always a friend of his who he says is so negative, so pessimistic that "may make winning the lottery was a disgrace!"

Being happy is not an objective is not a goal, is the road. Sometimes we talk about the pursuit of happiness, to pursue it, that our dream is to find, but if we look outside ourselves, we never truly live, because truth is within each of us, not outside. It's so simple yet so difficult to understand for many people, who spend their lives chasing a happiness that as the protagonist of the story is fortunately understood in our daily activities, to give and receive love, in accepting the same, to others and the circumstances in which we live, to share all that we love, money, expertise, knowledge, time, in connecting with each other, enjoy, appreciate and thank all that surrounds us (people, situations, nature, technology , etc.) In excel. There is happiness. No more secret than that. It's really that simple.

And they are moments, moments sometimes, other times longer. But it depends on us having more of these moments.

Another thing I've noticed is that in a world full of stimuli, so fast, so moved, sometimes we take the time to know ourselves, to discover Why we like or what makes us happy and what not. We did not try new things, do not give ourselves time to explore things, relationships, experiences, perhaps we would like very much. The ruling out of hand, with a bias or not even considered. Worse, not careful, we are not alert, we are not there to realize how we feel in different situations. The last weekend I was with a friend and her mom, and mom was learning to sew and tell me what was so entertaining, I did not know why he had not done before! I had not realized that I loved nature, flowers, trees, because they came out. Few things you might enjoy because you're losing not try, do not try and keep doing the same thing the same routine day after day?

here I also defend the right we all have to do what we do not like. Eye do not mean do your work, or other important things, but sometimes we are filled with commitments and we are "forced" to do things that we really do. In many such occasions, you have the real option to do so and the consequences are not as terrible as it may imagined. So I invite you when you're doing something to compromise or be logging to commit to something that really not want to do, you think about it, discusses the pros and cons, and sometimes give yourself permission to say no, in some way if you're telling yourself. When you put your desires on other things, you're also telling the world that this time you are more important, and it is good to remember from time to time.

closing good to go I want to leave a poem by Jorge Luis Borges called moments and I read some time ago, in episode 5, but I think it bears repeating:

If I could live my life again, in next try to make more mistakes. Do not try to be so perfect, I relax more, be more foolish than I was, in fact. Take fewer things seriously, it would be less hygienic, run more risks.

make more trips, contemplate more sunsets, climb more mountains, swim more rivers. I would go to more places
've never been, I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans, more problems would real and less imaginary.

I was one of those people who lived sensibly and prolifically each minute of his life, of course I had moments of joy.

If I could go back I would try to have only good moments.

In case you did not know that life is made only of moments, do not miss the now.

I was one of those who never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, umbrella and a parachute, if I could live again, I would travel lighter.

If I could live again begin to walk barefoot in the early spring and remain so until the end of autumn, would carousel ride more, watch more sunrises and play with more children, if I had another life ahead .... But you see, I have eighty-five years and I know I'm dying ...

Well, we reached the end of this episode, I hope you liked it.

The music on this podcast called sunshine and is kevin mcleod .

Now I say goodbye, cuidense much, get out out happiness within themselves, a hug and a nice trip!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Write A Baby Message In Book

Ep 60: Receive and Make Reviews

Today I want to touch the subject of criticism, both when we receive it as when.

Let us first by when we receive criticism. In general, nobody likes to receive them, do not feel well, because we all want to accept us and love us as we are and often it hurts to hear some things about us. First of all, I would accept that if we are doing something with our lives, and hopefully so, we will receive criticism. In this sense, is good, is a good sign. As Don Quixote said, "Let the dogs bark, Sancho, is a sign that we are making progress." If you want to avoid criticism, if you do not want criticism, do nothing, say nothing, do not be nothing. I hope none of you follow this last tip. Criticism is a gift, because on one hand we can be sure we are doing something important, something that others find worth criticizing, and because if we are able to receive it, we can grow and improve.

It depends on how we make the critical, sometimes it may be harder to receive than others. If it is a constructive criticism is much easier. I have received many very constructive criticism of you who listen and have helped me to improve podcast . These are things that maybe I never could have been improved, if no one had given me the work of criticism, and so I'm very grateful.

But not all criticism are made in a spirit of collaboration. And even when they are, they are sometimes difficult to accept. To take advantage of them need to restrain the impulse to justify, to give and to seek explanations for what we are criticizing, it is important to try to understand the point of view of someone else. First accept as valid, accepting the other person sees something we're not seeing that even though many times it may seem incredible that our first tendency is to dismiss your opinion and say it's wrong, accept that we may be we're not seeing what others see. If we fall in tentanción to justify or explain what it is that we are criticizing, we lose an opportunity to grow and improve. Moreover, that person may never again make a critical, if you realize that we're not open to receive and that our loss is greater. It is therefore important to always thank who is giving us feedback , smile, say that we greatly appreciate your help (really) and do not hesitate to give you more feedback if appropriate. Maybe at first will cost a bit, but if so, do not give up because eventually your appreciation will be more and deeper because you're going to see how much they serve you well-intentioned criticism.

Finally, it is not advisable to go to the other side and blindly believe all the criticism that we do, it may be that what we are saying really does not have foundation, or also can be a malicious comment. In the first case, it is important to thank the other person, and if you really look after your comment think that has no basis, just what we missed. If a malicious comment, although difficult, I recommend you do not engage with that vibe. Not worth it.

Now for the other side of the coin. Make critical. This will seem a bit contradictory given the above I said about receiving them, and they were a gift. But when it comes to them, the truth is I do not recommend much. There are other better ways to accomplish what we seek, if this is to change the behavior of another person. The only objective that it is critical desahogarnos meet ourselves, but for the other person, especially if not well-received, not the best way to get feedback .

There is a very good book that I love to recommend, is called " How to Win Friends and Influence People "by Dale Carnegie. It's an old book was first published in 1936, but despite his name is not, I find it a bit odd, gives valuable advice to improve relations with other people. In this book, he talks about the criticism and says: "Criticism is futile because it puts the person you're criticizing the defensive and usually makes them strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous, because it hurts the person's precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment. "

Think of the times you have received criticism and has attempted to justify, to explain the why of what you criticize. And the times when you felt hurt your pride, and inlcuso you were born in resentment. Since we can not control others make us critical, given that in the background are an important source of feedback and information about ourselves is that we must learn to receive and take out the best of it. But the truth is that there are much more efficient and careful to give feedback and change people's behaviors. I insist that the only purpose served without fail criticism is the relief of making it, even to the person doing it feel a certain superiority.

The same Dale Carnegie book mentioned, and is a well known fact today, so I do not think this will surprise that "a animal is rewarded for good behavior will learn much faster and retain what they learn much more effectively than an animal that is punished for bad behavior. When we fail to criticize lasting change, and often motivate resentment. "

Positive reinforcement has proven to be a much more effective than punishment to change behavior, not only in animals but in ourselves. Sure many of you have found, consciously or unconsciously, with their children, with partner, with employees at work, and surely we've all been on the other side of this positive reinforcement. What motivates you more, instance, claim your partner as you arrive home late, or when you arrive early you get happy, tell you how much I'm glad you're early, you prepare something delicious.

Which of the two options does that give you more eager to arrive early next time? Probably the latter. If your boss criticizes you only when you do something wrong, more motivated, gives you fear, right? But if instead of criticizing when you do something wrong, or in addition to that, I praised, and more over in front of other people when do something good, you motivate more the latter? Most likely, yes.

The next time you want to reinforce positive behavior or a negative change, consider this, think that if you make a criticism, most likely is that a person is justified, feel misunderstood and back, you find out whether or not you criticize you, that behavior will continue and you've planted a seed of resentment in that person. Try it with positive reinforcement and see what results you get. I'm sure they will also be much better and everyone will be happier.

The music of this podcast called sunshine and is kevin mcleod .

Now I say goodbye, cuidense much critical eye with a hug and a nice trip!

How Do You Get Chandelier In Millsberry

Award effort. Subject

Awarded by my friend Sacri. Thanks, Blessings and success in everything you undertake at this time. Www.Sacri-tueresmiluz.blogpost.com

blogístas To all my friends would give them the prize, but respecting the foundation of it, for now I can only give five. Thanks to all, and like all awards, has some standards.

The contest rules are as follows:

1-Display the image of the prize.

2-Put a link to the person who gave it to you.

3-Choose 5 people to have fun.

4-Write a message on his blog to know their prize.

you are all deserving of this award and has been very difficult. I leave my good is rewarded:

1. Tigrero.

Ali Reyes 2. Rincón prophetic. Bladimiro W.

3. Cornelivs Journal.

4. Sitting in front of the World. Carlos

5. Radical Art. Yosmaira.

Keep up that nothing will stop and remain a source of inspiration and awareness to the world. A big hug to everyone. Kadosh GA

Monday, September 21, 2009

El Día De Simón Boli

Ep 59: The 7 Spiritual Laws: Summary and Conclusions

Today we will make a closing summary and conclusions of the book The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, written by Deepak Chopra and finally some comments. For those new to the route up, I tell them that we reviewed one by one the 7 spiritual laws of success Deepak Chopra . We saw 1) Pure Potentiality, 2) Giving and Receiving, 3) Karma 4) Law of Least Effort, the 5) Law of Intention and Desire, 6) Law of Detachment and 7) Law of Dharma. For those who have not heard are the episodes 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55 and 57. Well, we go with the book's findings.

universal mind coordinates all that is happening in the billions of galaxies with elegant precision and resolute intelligence. This intelligence is vital and supreme, and permeates every fiber of existence: from the smallest to largest, from the atom to the cosmos. All life is an expression of that intelligence. And this intelligence operates through The Seven Spiritual Laws.

If you look at any cell in the human body see the expression of these laws through its operation. Each cell, whether a cell of the stomach, a heart, or brain, has its source in the Law of Pure Potentiality. DNA is a perfect example of pure potentiality, in fact, is the material expression of pure potentiality. The same DNA existing in all cells is expressed in different ways so as to meet the unique requirements of that particular cell.

Each cell also operates through Dar Act . A cell is alive and healthy while in a state of balance and equilibrium. The equilibrium state is one of satisfaction and harmony, but is maintained by a constant give and take. Each cell gives and supports other cells, which in turn is supported and nurtured by all other cells. The cell is always in a state of dynamic flow and this flow is never interrupted. In fact, the flow is the essence of life in the cell. And just to maintain this flow cell is able to receive and to continue with its vibrant existence.

The Law of Karma is exquisitely executed by every cell, because the answer most appropriate and precisely correct for every situation that occurs is incorporated into the intelligence cell.

The Law of Least Effort is also exquisitely executed by every cell in the body: and they do their job with quiet efficiency in a state of quiet alertness.

Through Law of Intention and Desire every intention of each cell channeling infinite organizing power of nature's intelligence. Even a simple intention as a sugar molecule metabolized immediately triggers a symphony of events in the body where requires specific amounts of hormones secreted at key moments to make this sugar molecule in pure creative energy.

Of course, every cell expresses the Law of Detachment . Is detached from the outcome of its intentions. Does not stumble or falter because their behavior is a function of consciousness of the present moment centered on life.

Each cell also expresses the Law of Dharma . Each cell must find its own source, your higher self, you have to serve others, and express their unique talents. The cells of the heart, stomach, and the cells of the immune system all have their source in the field of pure potentiality. And because they are directly linked to the cosmic computer, they can express their unique talents to ease, effortless and timeless awareness. Only by expressing their unique talents can maintain both their own integrity and the integrity of the entire body. The internal dialogue of every cell in the human body is, "How I can help?".

cells like heart cells help the immune system, immune system cells want to help the cells of the stomach and lungs , and brain cells are listening and helping all the other cells.

By observing the behavior of cells in our body, we can see the most extraordinary and efficient expression of The Seven Spiritual Laws. This is the genius of nature's intelligence. These are the thoughts of God - the rest are details.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are powerful principles that will allow you to gain mastery. If you put your attention on these laws and practice the steps in this book, you'll see that you can manifest anything you want - all the wealth, money and success you want. You will also notice that your life will become more full of joy and abundance in every way, as these laws are also spiritual laws that make life worth living.

There is a natural sequence for the implementation of these laws in your daily life that can help you remember. The Law of Pure Potentiality is experienced through silence, meditation, non-judgment, through communion with nature, but is activated by Dar Act . The principle here is to learn to give what you want. This is how active the Law of Pure Potentiality . You're plenty, gives plenty; you're money, give money, you're love, appreciation, love, learn to give love, appreciation and affection.

Through your actions in the Dar Act active the Law of Karma . Think good karma and good karma makes everything in life easier. Begin to notice that you need not spend much effort to meet your wishes, which automatically leads to understanding Law of Least Effort . When everything is easy and effortless, and your desires are still satisfied, spontaneously begin to understand the Law of Intention and Desire . Satisfy your desires with effortless ease and makes you easy to practice Law of Detachment . Finally, as you begin to understand all the above laws, you begin to focus on your true purpose in life, that leads to Law of Dharma . Through the use of this law, expressing your unique talents and fulfilling the needs of your peers, begin to create anything you want, when you want. You become carefree and joyful, and your life becomes an expression of infinite love.

We are all travelers in this cosmic journey - star dust, dancing in swirling spirals and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. But the expressions of life are ephemeral, momentary, transient . Gautama Buddha , the founder of Buddhism once said, "This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds. Observe the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance. A life is like a flash of lightning in the sky, passing quickly like a river in a steep mountain. "

We stopped a moment to meet each other, to know, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with compassion, lightness of heart, and love, we will create abundance and joy for all of us. Then the moment will have been worthwhile.

With this we We terminate our series on the book of Deepak Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, I hope you liked it and they has served to interest and / or to understand a little more. The author recommends practicing these laws every day, focusing on one per day, beginning on Sunday with the Law of Pure Potentiality and end the sequence on Saturday with the Law of Dharma. In this way, all people who are following these laws focus on the same day of the week and you think so many individual minds thus synchronized, they can achieve?

I served a lot this series, although he had read the book some time ago, the very fact of making a weekly law helped me ripen a little longer.
Well if you want to know more about this author, visit the website www.chopra.com

The music of this podcast called sunshine and is kevin mcleod .

Now I say goodbye, cuidense much, embrace and bon voyage!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Milena Velba How Did She Got Milk?

Ep 58: Leaving Your Comfort Zone

With the theme of hope today hopefully motivate them to get out of their comfort zone, to be challenged, to explore their limits, so to test.

I noticed that in general, we find it hard to leave our comfort zone. The comfort zone is the domain of the known, the rules we know, the skills we know we have, we've proven we have, what we believe / know is possible. But tb is the mastery of skills that we believe we have what we think is impossible, we know we do not know. We move in this area because it is the known, familiar. We do not get surprises because we can predict the results of our actions in this area. It is comfortable, not expose ourselves, we do not venture into the unknown can be frightening and can often have a prior idea about how it will be our performance on a task or activity. This happens for example when we have a time and in our work, and we do all that we do, and master our jobs and do well.

bad thing about this is that when we stay in our comfort zone, when they are exposed to new experiences, do not learn, do not grow, no real progress in our path. We gain nothing, setting the pace, we freeze, we do not evolve. In fact we lose. We lose the opportunity to grow, to learn something new, to know ourselves, to live a new experience, to broaden the horizon of what we thought possible and impossible.

Today a friend told me that her friend is a professional athlete and sports fan in general, extreme loads, has a tattoo on his chest that says I do not know where the limit is, just know where it is.

That's the attitude I wish more people had. To probe our limits, which will challenge you constantly. Limits everything from personal boundaries of what we believe are our own limitations, to the limits of technology, to social boundaries, family, etc.

easiest thing should be from yourself. What things would you like to do, but think you can not (for whatever reason)? Playing a musical instrument? Public speaking? Playing sports? Start a conversation with that person you care for some time but you have not dared to near him? Working to change you and follow your true calling? Identify what things you've listed as impossible but if you go back to look, maybe not impossible, just have not known until now how to do them? Why have you accepted that not possible? Going to let something or someone other than you come between you and your dream?

What things have you been told or led to believe that they are impossible to do, but you believe that if there would be very useful for everyone? For example, when Thomas Alva Edison was working on the invention of the phonograph, the people, "experts" said that he would never succeed, that could never invent a device to record and reproduce sounds and speech, and the reason was that nobody had ever accomplished before. Luckily he was carried away by these comments and went out of their comfort zone, as known to him and was exposed to that might not result. I do not know whether you will be inventor style, but if you are, you've been driven by comments from others about something is impossible? At one time Bill Gates said that no one would need a hard drive more than 740 megs on your home computer (if not the, let me know), how much is your HD?

social structure where you get on, you accommodate? This is not to be revolutionary to be revolutionary, but if something does not suit you and you think it should be different, you're doing something? If no one had come out of their comfort zone, women would not vote, there would be no divorce law in Chile, would not be discussing in many parts of the world (and some we have already approved) gay marriage for example.

regardless of whether you do, on what your passion and whatever your talent, if there is something you can do today or would like to do and not what you're doing, ask yourself, why? It is because you are not comfortable and prefer not to give you the trouble?

Every day, says my friend Mike Magdaleno, is an opportunity for greatness in whatever they do. If you do not take it, you lose. Sure, the next day, you have another new opportunity, but that already happened and did not take, was lost forever. And as my other friend, JB Glossinger of MorningCoach.com, whether you find the cure for cancer, or a new type of paper clips to hold together, if not get out of comfort zone, you'll never find out, and you are depriving the world of the gift of your talent.

Well, we reached the end of this episode, I hope you enjoyed today's topic, which you have contributed something. As always remember you the ways of communication: larutadelavida@gmail.com mail, blog larutadelavidapodcast.blogspot.com, twitter.com / larutadelavida, feedback, comments, questions, suggestions, critiques, greetings, whatever you want. We again request those who download the iTunes program if you are willing and able, please give me a review. I wish I could reach and help more people and those reviews serve to give more visibility to Route.

Well now I take my leave, having a great week, leave your comfort zone, take care, hugs, and bon voyage!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ways To Not Masterbate

Ep 57: 7) The Law of Dharma

Today we reached the final of the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, according to the book of the same name written by Deepak Chopra. For those new to the route up, I tell them we have been reviewing one by one the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. We saw 1) Pure Potentiality, 2) Giving and Receiving, 3) Karma 4) Law of Least Effort, the 5) Law of Intention and Desire and 6) Law of Detachment. In this episode we review the seventh and final that is the Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life.

Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means "purpose in life." The Law of Dharma says that we are all manifested in the physical world to fulfill a purpose. The field of pure potentiality is divinity in nature, and the divine takes human form to fulfill a purpose.

According to this law, you have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something you can do better than anyone else in the world - and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are coupled with the creative expression of your talent, there is the spark that creates wealth. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.

If we could get kids had this thought from the beginning of their lives, we could see the effect this would have on their lives. In fact, I did this with my own children. Again and again, I told them there was a reason for them to be here, and they had to find which was the reason for each of them. From the age of four years, they heard this.

also taught them to meditate when they were more or less the same age, and said, "I do not ever, ever, worry about as going to make a living. If they are unable to earn a living when they grow up, I'm going to keep, so do not worry about that. I do not want to worry about doing well in school. I do not want to focus on having the best grades or going to the best schools. In what I really want to focus is to ask yourself how they can serve humanity, and also wonder what their unique talents. Because you have a unique talent that nobody else has, and also have a special way of expressing that talent, and nobody else does. "They ended up going to the best schools, top grades, and even in college, are unique who are economically independent because they focused on what they could deliver. This is the Law of Dharma.

This law has three components. The first says that each of us must discover his true inner self, to understand ourselves our true inner self is spiritual, that essentially we are spiritual beings that we have manifested in physical form. We are not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences - it's the opposite: we are spiritual beings having occasional human experiences.

Each of us is here to discover our spiritual being. This is the first way to satisfy the law of Dharma. We have to realize for ourselves that within each of us is a god or goddess in embryo that wants to be born so that we can express our divinity.

The second component of the Law of Dharma is to express our unique talents. The Law of Dharma says that every human being has unique talents, and unique in its expression, so unique that no one else on the planet that have that talent, or the expression of that talent. This means that there is one thing you can do, and one way to do that is better than anyone else on the planet. When you're doing that thing, you lose track of time. When you are expressing that unique talent you possess - or a unique talent in many cases - expression of that talent takes you on an eternal consciousness, without limitation of time.

The third component of the Law of Dharma is service to humanity - to serve your neighbor and ask, "how I can help? How I can help everyone who came into contact with? "When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you're making use of the Law of Dharma. And if it together with the experience of your own spirituality, the field of pure potentiality, then there is no possibility that you do not have access to unlimited wealth, because that is the true way that wealth is achieved.

This is not a temporal abundance, is permanent, because of your unique talent, your way of putting it, and your service and dedication to your neighbor, discovered by yourself the question, "How I can help? Instead of "What I can win?"

The question, "What I can win?" Is the internal dialogue of the ego. The ask "How I can help?" Is the internal dialogue of the spirit. The spirit is that of your awareness where you experience your universality. Simply changing your internal dialogue of "What do I get?" To "How I can help?" You can access the spirit, that domain in your consciousness where experience your universality.

If you want to maximize your use of the Law of Dharma, you have to make several commitments.

- The first is, I'll get my higher self, which is beyond my ego, through spiritual practice.

- The second commitment is: I will find my s unique talents, and I will enjoy, because the process happens when I get to enjoy the consciousness without time limit. That's when I'm in a state of exhilaration.

- The third commitment is: I'll ask myself what is the best way I can serve humanity. I will answer that question and then I'll put it into practice. I will use my unique talents to serve the need my neighbor - I will join those needs with my desire to help and serve others.

Now sit down and make a list of answers to these two questions: if the money were not a concern and had all the time and money in the world, what would you do? If your answer is to continue doing what you do now, then you are in dharma, because you have passion for what you do - you are expressing your unique talents.

Then ask yourself: what is the best way I can serve humanity? Answer that question and then put it into practice.

Discover your divinity, find your unique talent, serve humanity with it, and you generate all the wealth you want. When your creative expressions fit the needs of your neighbor, then the riches will flow spontaneously from the unmanifest to the manifest, from the realm of spirit to the realm of form. Begin to experience your life as a miraculous expression of divinity - not just occasionally but all the time. And you will know and will know the true joy and meaning of success - the ecstasy and the glory of your own spirit.

To implement the Law of Dharma, Deepak Chopra we recommend the following steps:

1) Today lovingly feed it to the god or goddess in embryo that lies deep within my soul. I will listen to the spirit within me that gives life to both my body and my mind. I wake up to this deep stillness within my heart. Bring awareness of eternal Being in the midst of this experience related to time.

2) I will list my unique talents. Then I'll list all the things I like to do while expressing my unique talents. When I express my unique talents and use them for the service of humanity, I lose track of time and I abundance in my life as well as the lives of others.

3) I ask daily, "How I can serve?" And "How I can help?" The answer to these questions allow me to help and serve my fellow man with love.

This is the last of the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. The pursuit of dharma, our purpose in life is one of my ongoing concerns is an ongoing concern. That is what I mean when I say that we seek to live the life of our dreams. What can be better than doing what we love, what we love to do, what we enjoy, while also helping our neighbors, our environment, our families, our friends, and at the same time create wealth for ourselves and those around us? That to me sounds exactly like the life of my dreams!

Well, I hope you enjoyed and I have served these spiritual laws of success. To me if you have served me well although obviously not mastered yet, I'm just starting to use them, but I make much sense and so I thought you could serve them well.

Let's do an episode summary and closing as well if you have any comments, feedback, thoughts or whatever about this series, let me get to the mail larutadelavida@gmail.com at this blog larutadelavidapodcast.blogspot.com, or via twitter.com / larutadelavida

The new theme song called sunshine and Kevin McLeod.

Now I say goodbye, take care a lot, a hug and bon voyage!