Friday, September 24, 2010

Places Where People Grope

Ep 73: The Four Agreements - Domestication and the Dream of the Planet

Last week we began a series on the book "The Four Agreements" and in the first half saw the introduction of "The Smoking Mirror", that was the 71 episode if you have not heard. "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz, a Toltec Wisdom Book. This time we will see a summary of the first chapter called "The Domestication and the Dream of the Planet." Here we go.

What you see and hear right now is not just a dream. At this very moment you are dreaming. Dreaming of the brain awake. Before naciésemos, those who came before us created a big outside dream that we call the dream of the company or the planetary dream, which is the collective dream of billions made dream of smaller, personal dreams, together, create a family dream, a dream of a community, a dream of a city, a dream of a country, and finally, a dream of all humanity. The dream of the world includes all the rules of society, its beliefs, its laws, its religions, its different cultures and ways of being, their governments, its schools, social events and celebrations .-> with this refers to an interpretation of reality.

human beings who have preceded us (mom, dad, school and religion) teach us to dream the way society does, through repetition, information entered in our minds. -> Showed us their interpretation, "culture."

That's how we learned everything we know. We learned how to behave in society: what to believe and what not to believe, what is acceptable and what is not, what is good and what is bad, what is beautiful and what is ugly, what is right and what is wrong, even the language speak. Language is the code we use human beings to understand and communicate. Every letter, every word of every language, is an agreement.

You did not choose your language or your religion or your moral values: they were there before you were born. Never chose not the least of these agreements. Not even choose our own name.

As children we did not get to choose our beliefs, but we were according to information that we received from other human beings sleep the planet. The only way to store information is by agreement. The outside dream captures our attention, but if we do not agree, do not store this information. As soon as we agree with something, so we believe, and that's what called "faith." To have faith is to believe unconditionally .-> the concept of agreement is the acceptance of what we learned, it is the interpretation of our culture on the existence, world, life, etc.

call this process "the domestication of human beings", and through it we learn to live and dream. Every day, at home, school, church and from the TV, tell us how we should live, what kind of behavior is acceptable, how to be human beings. We have a whole concept of what a "Woman" and what is a "man." And we also learn to judge: We judge ourselves, we judge others, we judge our neighbors ... -> Inherited cultural interpretation teaches us to judge.

We train our children in the same way we train any pet: a system of rewards and punishments. We said, 'You're a good boy, "or," You're a good girl, "when we did what Mom and Dad wanted to do. When we did not, were "a bad girl ' or "a bad boy."

soon began to be afraid of being punished and do not receive the reward, ie the attention of our parents or others as brothers, teachers and friends. Over time we developed the need to attract the attention of others to get our reward. Because of this fear of being punished and not receive the reward, begin to act, to pretend that we were what we were not, solely to please others, to be good enough for others. Pretend to be what we were not because we were afraid to reject us and this fear became the fear of not being good enough.

We ended up being someone we were not. We become a copy of the beliefs of mother, father's beliefs, the beliefs of society and the beliefs of religion .-> to fit into our culture, we adapt to your dream, its interpretation.

Domestication is so powerful that, at some point in our lives, and do not need anyone to domesticate us. We are one autodomesticados animals. We punish ourselves when we do not follow the rules of our system of beliefs reward us when we are "a good boy 'or' a good girl." -> Censor ourselves with what we already know that society expects of us.

Our belief system is like the Book of the Law that governs our mind and directs our sleep. We base all our judgments on it, even when they go against our own inner nature.

interior We used the Judge what is in our Book of the Law to judge everything we do and we do, everything we think and not think, everything we feel and not feel, even the weather, the dog, the cat ... Everything. Every time we do something that goes against the Book of Law, Justice says we are guilty, we need a punishment, we should feel ashamed. This happens many times a day, day after day, for all the years of our lives.

There is another part of us that receives trials, and that part we call "The Victim." The Victim carries the guilt, blame and shame. And all This is based on a belief system that never chose to believe, but it is so strong that, even years after coming into contact with new concepts and trying to make our own choices, we realize that these beliefs still control our lives.

Since everything in the Book of Law has to be true, anything that puts into question what we believe, makes us feel unsafe, although the Book Law is wrong. For this reason, we need great courage to challenge our own beliefs, because, although we know that not chose, it is also true that we accept. The agreement is so strong that even when we know that the concept is wrong, we feel the guilt, blame and shame that arise when we act against those rules.

All these laws exist in our mind, we believe in them, the court decrees and the victim suffers the guilt and punishment. But who says that this dream is fair? True justice is paying only once for each error. What is truly is unfair to pay several times by the same error.

Man is the only animal on Earth that pays thousands of times by the same error, because we have a great memory. Make a mistake, we judge ourselves, we plead guilty and punish us. Every time I remember, we judge ourselves again, we again found guilty and punished, we turn to again and again. If you are married, also our wife or our husband reminds us of the error, and so we return again to judge us, punish us again and we turn to feel guilty. Is it fair?

How many times do we make our spouse, our children or our parents pay for the same error? Every time we remember the mistake, blame them again and send them all the emotional poison we feel against the injustice that we pay for it again.

In the dream of the planet, humans find it normal to suffer, live in fear and create emotional dramas. The outside dream is not a pleasant dream, a dream full of violence, fear, war and injustice. The personal dream of humans varies, but overall it's a nightmare. If we look at human society, we see that it is a place that is very hard to live, because it is ruled by fear, suffering, anger, revenge, addiction, street violence and a tremendous injustice. It exists at different levels in different countries, but the fear of external controls sleep.

Every human being, male or female, has a personal dream that, as with the dream of society, is often led by fear. The same fear is expressed differently in each person, of course, because we all feel anger, jealousy, hatred, envy and other negative emotions. Our personal dream can also become a permanent nightmare where we suffer and live in a state of constant fear. However, it is not necessary that our dream is a nightmare. We can enjoy a pleasant dream.

Let's get this part down here, because there are several ideas that let the book and I think it's good to take some time to reflect. I invite you to see in your life, what is the dream of the planet where you live, ie what is the collective interpretation of reality in which you get on, and how it affects your daily living, in what you do and stop doing what you think and what you do not think, how you judge others, to the circumstances that you yourself are living longer.

What arrangements have you taken in your life? Arrangements can be your family, your community, your country, etc. Begins to remember, to feel, with which of them are not so agree, feel it in your body. A simple example: I grew up with the understanding that the cats were treacherous. Great now I became aware of this agreement, bothering me, I now sympathize enough cats.

Look how many times you pay for your mistakes and how often you pay others for their mistakes.

Be aware at all times, which is the emotion that is ruling your "dream", or your interpretation of your now, your interpretation of the moment. What emotion or emotions rule you more often? Fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy? Or love, generosity, joy, compassion, gratitude? As the book says: "... it is necessary that our dream a nightmare. We enjoy a dream nice. "ie, it is not necessary that our interpretation of life, now, is negative, we live in a pleasant and joyful interpretation of life, depends on each one of us.

Before leaving I recall the lines of communication: mail , blog www . or / larutadelavida

Now I say goodbye, take care much, embrace and bon voyage!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Problems With Wowogolf

Ep 72: How to Discover What Are Your Dreams

Let the subject today. Walking here on the central theme is the life of your dreams, and from time to time, I run into a situation that does not surprise me much, because until recently happened to me a lot, but that worries me, and that see that many people do not know what their dreams. Many people do not know what you would most like to do in life, or dare not express it, or does not believe has the right even to have that aspiration.
And I worried for several reasons. One is because if you do not know what to do if you do not know what you like, if you do not know what are their dreams, which they think are likely to achieve it? Almost 0. Another reason is because many people have come to believe that no right or make no sense, or that "can not" even before you start to dream! Or perhaps when children had dreams and for some reason had to suppress and had already forgotten that. That seems to me very sad.
Finally tb worries me because the more people are living and realizing their dreams, the happier everyone individually, so our environment is happier and happier we all are. It's a virtuous circle.
As I said before, I think it is a duty for all exploit our talents and realize our dreams and help others to exploit their talents and realize their dreams. Here we review a very easy to discover what our dreams, what we love and therefore where we should focus our energies.
Well, I do not know if you lie to Steve Pavlina, he is one of the most sounding names in the world of personal development and is the author of "Personal Development for Smart People", which even I have not read so I can not comment yet. His wife Erin is written on the blog "Spiritual Wisdom for Conscious People" in and his last post is very related to today's topic is called "How to find and ignite your passion "," How to find and turn your passion. " On the Road Blog I'll put a link to this article on Erin's blog for those who want to read it, really recommend it because we will discuss here only an excerpt.
Well, take a sheet of paper or open a document in Word to take notes and follow the instructions. There are 4 questions you are going to give much light on your dreams and passions, here is the method proposed Erin:

1) What makes you go crazy with excitement?
Think about all the things in life that you love do. Skiing, reading, hiking, socializing, partying, make videos and upload them to YouTube, playing poker, or meditate quietly for hours. Make a list of all those things you love to do if someone told you that you will take the day off work to do as you wish. "Patricia, why not missing work tomorrow and you dedicate yourself to _______?". Complete the sentence with a list of things you'd like to do instead of going to work.
not matter if it seems irrelevant or a waste of time. A friend goes crazy with video games. He is a player, nothing more. There is nothing more than the rather do. He went to college and studied computer thinking it was a good career choice for him, but really did not like. now works as a tester and play games all day. Increased very fast and is very popular because it gives great constructive feedback to improve the games. If it continues could create your own game in a more or integrate the design team.
Once you have the list of things that excite you, consider how you could make the transition to a career that allows you to do it all the time. Think hard and be creative. You do not have to give your work today, but start thinking about what ways there are others who are making money doing that that you love, and see if you can find a way to insertarte in those areas.

2) What breaks your heart?
When you look around, you see suffering? You see things that are wrong and you'd love to see it solved? What breaks your heart? Malnutrition or child abuse? People who are homeless? Policy? The war and global conflicts? What breaks your heart is a hint to find your passion. If you believe that you actually have the possibility to make a difference in the world, what you would focus? What problem would attack? Nobody says you have to end hunger in the world overnight. Just look into your heart and see what pain you kept there.
Make a list of everything that really breaks your heart, things that really touch your heart and emotions that provoke strong reactions. Once you have the list, see if you can take action on those things. Not necessarily be something you can change your current job for now, may be something you start to be done in parallel, and that helps you gain experience, and who knows, later a job offer.

3) What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
most common thing people say they know what are their dreams, but he is not doing anything to achieve them is: "I do not know how." No one knows how to do when you are just beginning. Not knowing how to do something is not a good enough reason not to. You can learn. Or find someone who is doing successful and learn how they did it, or just go your own way of trial and error until you find a way.
In your paper, write the sentence: "If I knew that I will not fail me ... ... ... ...." And then make a list of everything you do. Think big. The sky is the limit.
Now think of all the ways you could accomplish what's on your list, there is only one way to get things done. For example, if your list was "to help and teach people to eat a healthy and environmentally aware ", how could you do this? You could create a blog or podcast, to organize workshops in your community, closer to schools, writing a book, etc.. While you stay in tune with your dreams, how to do that is your decision. You could do with your list? Make a list of all careers, jobs or activities that could carry out what is on your list of things you would do if you knew you could not fail.

4) What makes you feel what you've contributed?
Another way to find out what your passion is to complete the following sentence: "At the end of the day, I feel good about myself when he_______." Feeling good about yourself when you've solved a problem, helped a sufferer, made a change in your life, or another person, when you have challenged yourself, when you have organized an area, cooked a meal for your family, when you've given yourself time to meditate? That makes you feel the satisfaction and feeling of a job well done? You could do that for a living? It is very probable that it can, or at least do something related.
Your passion, your dreams are on you, somewhere inside you. Remember them or find them. Then take action. You can do it! When you combine passion with talent and contribution, success was not long in coming. Do not go doing something you hate, start looking at yourself and discover what makes you happy. It's your right and your duty!

I remember the lines of communication: mail , esteblog or / larutadelavida
Now I say goodbye, take care much, remember your dreams, a hug and a nice trip!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Brent Corrigan Free Full Vids

Minie, a perfect dog. Since e vueltooo

Hello friends ! Today
wanted to dedicate my to
Minie appetizer was a lovely dog \u200b\u200bwho has
2 sisters else called and girl puppy .
All three are very nice and are delighted with his mistress Marta
Minguella ..
was very obedient and very charming.
wanted to dedicate this appetizer
it that makes 1 añito died ..
But being a dog as good
you had gone to heaven with the other
puppies already an h died, but
sure it's going very well
playing with the dogs up
beyond and surefire loves them their
sisters and her dear mommy Marta.
Here I have a little picture it with your mom
in a program of three antenna that came out
Ana quintana.Mirar that beautiful rose out of two.

Olé! That guapass !

sweetie These small dogs are puppy and girl,
their sisters .

And this puppy dog \u200b\u200bis , e
such as that are almost equal to you know who is getting
one but both are beautiful.

Thanks for taking such good care Marta,
that are a precious jewel:)

Minie're always in our hearts ,
are a very special dog ..

also wanted to announce that
in little will be the birthday girl
of , So congratulations Ninaaa !!!!!!!

more cool cake! Yum, Yum !

And a round of applause for Marta, which is very good breast
their puppies, Viva Martaa !
And of course if you want visit this is his blog:

What is the best, kiss beautiful, is well
such a nice person:) Encantada
marta meeting you:)

I hope that there Minie you like:)

A kiss!

Sara ..

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What Can I Use Instead Of An Baking Tray


Hello! Already
and back! And passed me very well, and put me
brunette and all haha \u200b\u200b... E
gone to many places in Galicia
eg Beach of the cathedrals ..
is a very nice, there are many large rocks as
rings and a rising tide covers and
looks very nice, my mom to upload photos to blog but not
You put us, I'll some when I clarify haha \u200b\u200b...
and also in a fair state, y. ..
not remember much but we've gone to something else ..
All days in the hotel were
that the hotel is very nice, and you even try well, when it was sunny I
me the pool was jeje: P.. Thank you for visiting
, A kiss!

Muak !

Sara ..

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Mother With Big Breasts

to prontoo! Wuenass

Holaaaaaaaaaa ! Already
my grandfather got well and gave discharge
very little ..
Tomorrow is August 7,
I go on holiday ..
already tell you when you come and I will tell you
all I have done ...
Thanks to everyone for supporting me all
and comment ..
A Saluditos for all and to kiss back!
Muakkkkkk !!!!!
Sara ...
Os kiero mucho!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Do People With Hiv Get Sick More


Holaa !
I am sorry for my absence, is that as I
vacation lately cole much .. I do not connect
My most sincere apologies ...
Well today I wanted to tell you that prontito I travel I
prontito is good next week jajaja ...
time I will not talk ... I'll tell you ...
I hope go well holidays ..
lately I'm house
resting or doing homework or also I go to the pool depends ..
That if I brunette jajaja ...
also But I'm a little sad because my grandpa
is sick in the hospital ... (
medical Say you have a lot of anemia and
this with the serum that h an office and says
has much pain in the arms and hands ....: (
I hope to recover ..
Thank you all for visiting ...

Goodbye, A kiss for all! Muakk ! :)

nice holiday!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Does Tiffany & Co Have Sales

Here are some CHITE MAS.

MAMA: Child, you're playing?
CHILD: With what I get the eggs.
[osease, hostiazo father from mother to child]
MAMA: Do not want you to say these things, dammit!
Child: [crying] Well, I do not give away more Kinder-Surprise

Louie's mother:
- Louie, to see if you're good, because every time you make a prank
I get a cane.

- Jo, because then your small you had to be tremendous, because
fijate as is the grandmother ...

Louie at school:
-Prof, do not I have my pencil.
"No, Louie, is not it, hear:
I have no
You do not have pencil pencil pencil
He has no
We have no
You have no pencil pencil pencil
They have
" Well, what the heck has happened to the pencils?

This is Louie, he will ask the multiplication table, so he decides to do
and cosersela a chop to the neck of the shirt. Total
coming to class and the teacher asks:
- Now, Louie, tell me the table of seven.
(looking at the collar of his shirt with some dissimulation)
- Yes, Miss ... a seven is seven ... Both are seven
fourteen ... is one hundred percent cotton ...

A Muak BESITOS ....


Read Bleach Doujinshis

Chile going for you. DREAM OF FREEDOM

huge deposit of gold, silver and other minerals have been found under glaciers.

to reach them is necessary to break and destroy the glaciers-something never conceived in the history of the world and make 2 huge holes, each as big as a mountain, one for extraction and
other for the wastes of the mine.

The project is called PASCUA LAMA. The company is called Barrick Gold. The operation is being planned by a multinational whose members is George Bush ...

Ballena blanca

The Chilean Government has approved the project to begin this year. The only reason it has not started yet is because the farmers have got a reprieve.


If they destroy the glaciers, not just destroy the source of especially pure water, permanently contaminate the 2 rivers so they will never again be fit for human and animal consumption due to the use of cyanide and sulfuric acid in the extraction of mineral .

Every last gram of gold will be sent to the multinational company abroad and no one will be left to the people whose land it .

They will only be left with the poisoned water and the resulting illnesses. The farmers have enough time fighting for their land, but could not make a TV appeal by a ban from the Ministry of Interior.


His only hope to stop this project is to get help from international justice .

Ballena azul

The world must know what is going on in Chile ... The place to start changing the world is our place.


No to Pascua Lama open mine in the Andes on the border between Chile


ask the Chilean Government not to authorize the Pascua Lama project to protect all 2 glaciers, the purity of water in the valleys of San Félix and El Transito, the quality of arable land in the Region

Atacama and quality of life of people affected in the region.

Source. several, Andrea Chirinos and all for the planet.

Friday, July 9, 2010

What To Write On A Hens Night Card

Some tales of glory strong.


- Coleta,

I bet a racket that no one can eat Fasting
two cookies.

- You're crazy, face

that fasting can eat two cookies and two olives

fasting. Pelin

- I've won Coleta,
give me the paddle. Now
solucionera solution:
only fasting
you eat in the first.


The hen,
in the house, tell your friend

" How much I love you.

blonde hen
cry then
now sings: "Here I wait

"Here I wait,
laying an egg"

gave me cough and dropped two.

I thought my mistress,
how poor it is!
I was little pain ...
and got three!

as late, I waited a while

laying eggs, and put

My love I sell
Dona Luz.
I with rice!
what ingratitude!


'm a canary yellow and again, when I curl

look like an egg yolk.
Pio, pio, pio
I have never hungry, I have never

In my forgetfulness, I forgot

I love john nugget and migitas
because I get bread. I love

because I bring a sandwich and
of lettuce with rocket
smacking me,
am the master. I love

because it brings chilly water.
in my cup.

to give me bacon rind.
And I give my trill.
Pio, pio, pio.

Live happy, "said the canary
my wire prison. I have never
cold. I have never

Children do not know why I was being held.
not know if I
opened the cage door,
me stay with them.

I hope you like a kiss muak!

Sara ..

Author: Gloria Fuertes.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sayings Basketball Shirts

Hello! Here are some chistess! Yesterday was cumplee

Boys and girls today and decided to tell some jokes:

This was a madman who was in the asylum and
wanted to commit suicide, then took to the pool
and wine to drown him out another crazy and then
the director of the madhouse called to congratulate him for having
saved, and said
was a heroic act he did, but I regret to inform you that

the mad that you saved this morning,
hanged himself in the afternoon. Then the crazy
Ah!, That I did because I hung to dry it!

Author: Peter.

two friends were climbing a mountain when
Suddenly one of them took a wrong step and fell off the top
, out of sight of the other. As

came equipped with radio equipment, the other

immediately tried to contact him with their own:

"Well, well ...! are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine!"

The friend sighed with relief, and kept asking

"Do you have a fracture?"

"No, no."

"Then back up and here I hope."

"I can not, I'm still cayendoooooooo !"

Louie is watching his brother , newly born, who has fallen asleep
- Mama, mama, why not move? It has been without batteries?

mate Louie has fallen asleep, and professional says:
- Louie , wake up your partner.
- Come now, you've fallen asleep, you wake up ...

Hope you like a kiss muakk !

Sara ..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

11 Dpo Too Early For Period


amiguitoss Hello!
Yesterday was my birthday! June 14!
I had a super well, my birthday was in the ice rink
And the guy who was there let me get
gloves and a helmet hokey to me pictures!
although I had a great time and all that but to
is that I really liked. Glad
co mpartir all my time with you ..
A muakk besito!

Sara ..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Remove Atheros Drivers

I'm better!

Hello amiguitosss !
I'm better, only problem is that when I Malita
otitis I got that much pain that you enter the ear
mucho.Entonces and pain when I move the pain started
to plug the I heard . Then
haora hear less because I have heard the capping. Anyway
nothing happens.
another entry in the I forgot to comment about the trip. Look
I had a great time! I these activities:
- Tirolina : Descent a rope that is tied to a tree
to another and going down with a harness .
- Tritops : Activity to be done in the treetops 12 m.
- Dugout: An activity that is done on the lake or reservoir,
are going to kayak or canoe, in pairs.
- Orientation: Activity to be done by the camp
that you are looking for a kind of beacon.
-Climbing: Climbing a wall of 8 metros.Con a harness .
- Rapel : Activity to be done in a wall of 8 meters
that low with a harness .
- Eurobungi : Activity to be done with mats
grabbed a rubber string and you jump very very high.
Etc. ..

I had a great time with my friends had more
schools but we made friends with some.
And some of the other schools fell in love
some girls in my class and me.
And the room was large super Dining, lounge,
Track football, Forest, Bathrooms, Bedrooms, Etc..
What I like archery, the eurobungi , and the tritops .
was great!
met some fantastic monitors will echo h under
that the wanted much ..
names were: Miriam
Oscar . Abel
Patricia. YF
were great for almost cried there. Jeje
. Iba to post pictures but as you would camera disposable
I can not hang.
that it could break the truth and not let the teachers.
But nothing happens.
A kiss to all muakk !

Sara ..

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Legal Alternatives Adderall

long ago I went back but as I got enfermita ..

Hello buddies, get 2 weeks ago but

the 1 week did not feel like myself in the

computer but is that Howrah 'm enfermita with

38 º of fever and sore throat, swollen tonsils is

throat And with pus and painful much I can not

almost not swallow, or talk ..

So come alone and make an appetizer when

best place I will visit your blogs so far

I go to bed to recover ..

ocnotare I already in my next entry as I had gone all

the trip and if I can prondre pictures but do not know why

the camera disposable ..

Many thanks to everyone s muakk besitos!

Sara ..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How Do You Know If A Scorpio Like You?


On March 20, 1991 Cuban soil off from the largest Orestes Lorenzo in a MIG-23 fighter , the most modern aircraft of the Cuban Air Force .

Speeding and crossed low altitude in less than 10 minutes to 150 miles that separate Cuba from the United States. As I was almost level with the sea, or the Cubans or Americans radar noticed his presence, so it could land safely at the Naval Air Station Boca Chica in the Florida Keys. Orestes sought asylum in America, and for once the interrogations he underwent, he received political refugee status.

The defection of Orestes Lorenzo was a slap in the face of the Castro regime. The biggest Lorenzo was one of the elite pilots of the Air Force. Veteran War Angola, had made two periods of training in the Soviet Union. It was during the last one, and with the Gorbachev's perestroika running, when Orestes began to question the Communist regime and his life in Cuba. In the Soviet Union began to uncover the collapse of the system and blowing winds of freedom.
On his return he began to plan his defection, hoping that once the United States, his wife Victoria and their two children could join him.
After escaping in the plane and as a refugee, demanded the release of his family on the island, but met with refusal Raul Castro , then Commander of the Armed Forces.

Castro Raul Castro in any way allowed to leave Cuba to the family of a military elite who had betrayed the trust placed in him and had made a mockery of the regime.

Orestes then turned to the human rights commission of the UN, to no avail. Coinciding with the Ibero-American summit held in Madrid in 1992 with the presence of Fidel Castro, made a protest chaining themselves to the gates of the Parque del Retiro . Queen Sophia kept a good relationship with Castro, he made personal efforts to achieve the release of his wife and two children in Cuba. Even the matter came to the office of Mikhail Gorbachev.

Everything was unsuccessful. Raul Castro, through his personal assistant sent him the answer to Victoria:

" Tell your husband that if he had the guts to take a plane, who is also coming to pick you personally ..." ;

Orestes Lorenzo went so far as to publish an open letter to Fidel Castro in the Wall Street Journal, which gave to stand trial in Cuba if allowed the wife and kids travel to the United States . There was no answer.

Orestes for the release of his family at a rally in NY

With few prospects of its international efforts, desperation took hold in the former Cuban military. Then decided that if he did not succeed in public, he would go to get his family.
knew the Russian planes, but had be trained in conventional western models. Got
sport pilot license in a short time and with $ 30,000 provided by a humanitarian organization of Cuban exiles, he acquired an old twin-engine plane Cessna 310 in order .

Through a couple of Mexican friends who traveled to Cuba, sent his family secretly date, exact place and time where they had to wait for the rescue had begun. The day chosen was
Dec. 19 at five in the afternoon. Took off from a small airfield near Miami, warning that if not returned within a couple of hours, should give up for dead.

Road near the beach "El Mamey" meeting place

Flying at low altitude (2 m above the sea to avoid radar), the ship approached the island at dusk, the narrow road opposite the beach of El Mamey, near Varadero, 150 kilometers east of Havana. Meanwhile, his wife and children waiting on the road as agreed, they heard the purr of the engine and saw the device.

What Lorenzo had not planned his meticulous plan was that at that time the road was busy. The stage could not be worse, because in the tranche for landing agreed a car, a harrow, a bus with tourists and a huge stone in the middle of the road. Balancing
wings, the pilot almost touched the roof of the car, landed and arrested eight meters from the bus with tourists petrified in their seats and eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

Nearly two years after separation, Lorenzo was running his family appear in front of the plane. In the race, Alexander, the youngest child, lost a shoe.
To prevent a tragedy with the helices and prepare for the takeoff, turned the unit in U and opened the door of the cabin. All in less than a minute. Orestes
got off the ground but the fear inside the plane was doing his job. Vicky was staring at the sky fearing Cuban fighters appeared. Prayed. At one point put his arms around her two sons and her ears not to hear if the worst happened.

The children were frightened, confused, crying. Only when the aircraft passed the 24 th parallel, the limit of the airspace of Cuba, the tension eased a little.
Almost an hour later, the spacecraft landed back in Florida.

Orestes Lorenzo's family after landing in the United States

The media frenzy that caused the deed of Orestes was tremendous, as a second had time to be embarrassed by the Castro regime. In the first press conference said

"Tell Raul Castro that I have spoken and I have personally gone to pick up my family"

Orestes is currently a successful businessman who runs his own construction company in Miami, which in Cuba, never could have done.

Source: Dr. Gonzalo Paredes. Rodericus.

Technorati Tags: LIFE

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vote Of Thanks Speech

Sorry for my absence .. Barbiee

buddies Hello!
I'm for my absence is that soon
good morning Monday, May 17 I will travel
end of year and I'm preparing all to leave and I am very busy
.. Howrah
will visit but not I be able all that I have
to go home to my grandmother to eat ..
When I'm gone you'll miss but
want you to know that I love you!
When the camp will get A big
activities and will also nightlife!
I have a desire ... Well I
I say goodbye ... I much kiero! Muakk !

Sara ..

Monday, May 3, 2010

Dry Cervical Mucus For 4 Days

A wedding! Happy day of

Hi! Today
buddies I bring a wedding barbie !
If is that the other day me a lot at home bored ..
And my grandmother that want a lot was there ..
occurred to me the idea and grabbed the camera , and my barbies ,
the dressed and put all the scenes ..
My grandmother put wrists so they do not
guards, and some of I put hehe ..
A really hard work I hope you like ..
Here I leave a few pics ..
A! Before I left I put my names barbies and
bride barbie today called Sandra and her boyfriend
Lesli .. and if want to see the photos
you have only about that pierce
Hope you like ..

The Bride Entering the church:

The bride sat in the church:

The couple settled in the church.:

The couple together:

Bride alone: \u200b\u200b

The bride posing as reading a book

The couple in the church.:

The bride on horseback:

Grooms with Horse :

The couple together:

Grooms saying goodbye :

A muakkk besito!
Author: Sara ..