Sunday, September 27, 2009

What Is The Best Brand Of Canned Peaches

Ep 61: Being Happy is an Attitude

For today's episode I chose to use a small story I sent an auditor to mail , so I want to thank Mapi Martin of Spain for writing and for your support.

happiness seeker
Legend has it that a man heard that happiness was a treasure. From that moment began searching. First
ventured all the pleasure and sensual, then by the power and wealth, after the fame and glory, and that's sweeping the world of pride, knowledge, travel, work, leisure and all that was within reach of his hand.
At a bend in the road was a sign that said: "You have two months to live"
The man, tired and worn down by the troubles of life are said
"These two months to devote to share everything I have the experience, knowledge and life with people around me."
And the indefatigable seeker of happiness, only at the end of his days, he found inside, where I could share, at the time he devoted to others, in the waiver that made of himself to serve, was the treasure he had so desired.

understood that to be happy you need to love, accept life as it comes, enjoy the small and big, to know oneself and be accepted as is, feel loved and valued, but also want and value, have reason to live and hope and reason to die and rest.
understood that happiness arises in the heart, with the dew of affection, tenderness and understanding. Are moments and moments of wholeness and well-being, which is attached and connected to the way people view and interact with it, which is always out and to have it there to enjoy inner peace.
finally discovered that every age has its own measure of happiness and that God alone is the ultimate source of joy, to be Him, love, kindness, reconciliation, forgiveness and grant total.
And in his mind remembered the sentence that says:
"How much we enjoy what little we have and how much we suffer for what we want." Being happy is an attitude. Author Unknown.

On other occasions we have discussed this topic, but I think it never hurts to remember, do not know why, but it seems that we forget easily that being happy is really an attitude and is up to us. It is not something external, not dependent on things, people or circumstances beyond our control, but comes from within. The same thing, circumstance, experience can be lived by a person as a tragedy or misfortune and by another person as an opportunity. A friend named me always a friend of his who he says is so negative, so pessimistic that "may make winning the lottery was a disgrace!"

Being happy is not an objective is not a goal, is the road. Sometimes we talk about the pursuit of happiness, to pursue it, that our dream is to find, but if we look outside ourselves, we never truly live, because truth is within each of us, not outside. It's so simple yet so difficult to understand for many people, who spend their lives chasing a happiness that as the protagonist of the story is fortunately understood in our daily activities, to give and receive love, in accepting the same, to others and the circumstances in which we live, to share all that we love, money, expertise, knowledge, time, in connecting with each other, enjoy, appreciate and thank all that surrounds us (people, situations, nature, technology , etc.) In excel. There is happiness. No more secret than that. It's really that simple.

And they are moments, moments sometimes, other times longer. But it depends on us having more of these moments.

Another thing I've noticed is that in a world full of stimuli, so fast, so moved, sometimes we take the time to know ourselves, to discover Why we like or what makes us happy and what not. We did not try new things, do not give ourselves time to explore things, relationships, experiences, perhaps we would like very much. The ruling out of hand, with a bias or not even considered. Worse, not careful, we are not alert, we are not there to realize how we feel in different situations. The last weekend I was with a friend and her mom, and mom was learning to sew and tell me what was so entertaining, I did not know why he had not done before! I had not realized that I loved nature, flowers, trees, because they came out. Few things you might enjoy because you're losing not try, do not try and keep doing the same thing the same routine day after day?

here I also defend the right we all have to do what we do not like. Eye do not mean do your work, or other important things, but sometimes we are filled with commitments and we are "forced" to do things that we really do. In many such occasions, you have the real option to do so and the consequences are not as terrible as it may imagined. So I invite you when you're doing something to compromise or be logging to commit to something that really not want to do, you think about it, discusses the pros and cons, and sometimes give yourself permission to say no, in some way if you're telling yourself. When you put your desires on other things, you're also telling the world that this time you are more important, and it is good to remember from time to time.

closing good to go I want to leave a poem by Jorge Luis Borges called moments and I read some time ago, in episode 5, but I think it bears repeating:

If I could live my life again, in next try to make more mistakes. Do not try to be so perfect, I relax more, be more foolish than I was, in fact. Take fewer things seriously, it would be less hygienic, run more risks.

make more trips, contemplate more sunsets, climb more mountains, swim more rivers. I would go to more places
've never been, I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans, more problems would real and less imaginary.

I was one of those people who lived sensibly and prolifically each minute of his life, of course I had moments of joy.

If I could go back I would try to have only good moments.

In case you did not know that life is made only of moments, do not miss the now.

I was one of those who never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, umbrella and a parachute, if I could live again, I would travel lighter.

If I could live again begin to walk barefoot in the early spring and remain so until the end of autumn, would carousel ride more, watch more sunrises and play with more children, if I had another life ahead .... But you see, I have eighty-five years and I know I'm dying ...

Well, we reached the end of this episode, I hope you liked it.

The music on this podcast called sunshine and is kevin mcleod .

Now I say goodbye, cuidense much, get out out happiness within themselves, a hug and a nice trip!


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