Monday, September 21, 2009

El Día De Simón Boli

Ep 59: The 7 Spiritual Laws: Summary and Conclusions

Today we will make a closing summary and conclusions of the book The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, written by Deepak Chopra and finally some comments. For those new to the route up, I tell them that we reviewed one by one the 7 spiritual laws of success Deepak Chopra . We saw 1) Pure Potentiality, 2) Giving and Receiving, 3) Karma 4) Law of Least Effort, the 5) Law of Intention and Desire, 6) Law of Detachment and 7) Law of Dharma. For those who have not heard are the episodes 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55 and 57. Well, we go with the book's findings.

universal mind coordinates all that is happening in the billions of galaxies with elegant precision and resolute intelligence. This intelligence is vital and supreme, and permeates every fiber of existence: from the smallest to largest, from the atom to the cosmos. All life is an expression of that intelligence. And this intelligence operates through The Seven Spiritual Laws.

If you look at any cell in the human body see the expression of these laws through its operation. Each cell, whether a cell of the stomach, a heart, or brain, has its source in the Law of Pure Potentiality. DNA is a perfect example of pure potentiality, in fact, is the material expression of pure potentiality. The same DNA existing in all cells is expressed in different ways so as to meet the unique requirements of that particular cell.

Each cell also operates through Dar Act . A cell is alive and healthy while in a state of balance and equilibrium. The equilibrium state is one of satisfaction and harmony, but is maintained by a constant give and take. Each cell gives and supports other cells, which in turn is supported and nurtured by all other cells. The cell is always in a state of dynamic flow and this flow is never interrupted. In fact, the flow is the essence of life in the cell. And just to maintain this flow cell is able to receive and to continue with its vibrant existence.

The Law of Karma is exquisitely executed by every cell, because the answer most appropriate and precisely correct for every situation that occurs is incorporated into the intelligence cell.

The Law of Least Effort is also exquisitely executed by every cell in the body: and they do their job with quiet efficiency in a state of quiet alertness.

Through Law of Intention and Desire every intention of each cell channeling infinite organizing power of nature's intelligence. Even a simple intention as a sugar molecule metabolized immediately triggers a symphony of events in the body where requires specific amounts of hormones secreted at key moments to make this sugar molecule in pure creative energy.

Of course, every cell expresses the Law of Detachment . Is detached from the outcome of its intentions. Does not stumble or falter because their behavior is a function of consciousness of the present moment centered on life.

Each cell also expresses the Law of Dharma . Each cell must find its own source, your higher self, you have to serve others, and express their unique talents. The cells of the heart, stomach, and the cells of the immune system all have their source in the field of pure potentiality. And because they are directly linked to the cosmic computer, they can express their unique talents to ease, effortless and timeless awareness. Only by expressing their unique talents can maintain both their own integrity and the integrity of the entire body. The internal dialogue of every cell in the human body is, "How I can help?".

cells like heart cells help the immune system, immune system cells want to help the cells of the stomach and lungs , and brain cells are listening and helping all the other cells.

By observing the behavior of cells in our body, we can see the most extraordinary and efficient expression of The Seven Spiritual Laws. This is the genius of nature's intelligence. These are the thoughts of God - the rest are details.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are powerful principles that will allow you to gain mastery. If you put your attention on these laws and practice the steps in this book, you'll see that you can manifest anything you want - all the wealth, money and success you want. You will also notice that your life will become more full of joy and abundance in every way, as these laws are also spiritual laws that make life worth living.

There is a natural sequence for the implementation of these laws in your daily life that can help you remember. The Law of Pure Potentiality is experienced through silence, meditation, non-judgment, through communion with nature, but is activated by Dar Act . The principle here is to learn to give what you want. This is how active the Law of Pure Potentiality . You're plenty, gives plenty; you're money, give money, you're love, appreciation, love, learn to give love, appreciation and affection.

Through your actions in the Dar Act active the Law of Karma . Think good karma and good karma makes everything in life easier. Begin to notice that you need not spend much effort to meet your wishes, which automatically leads to understanding Law of Least Effort . When everything is easy and effortless, and your desires are still satisfied, spontaneously begin to understand the Law of Intention and Desire . Satisfy your desires with effortless ease and makes you easy to practice Law of Detachment . Finally, as you begin to understand all the above laws, you begin to focus on your true purpose in life, that leads to Law of Dharma . Through the use of this law, expressing your unique talents and fulfilling the needs of your peers, begin to create anything you want, when you want. You become carefree and joyful, and your life becomes an expression of infinite love.

We are all travelers in this cosmic journey - star dust, dancing in swirling spirals and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. But the expressions of life are ephemeral, momentary, transient . Gautama Buddha , the founder of Buddhism once said, "This existence of ours is as transient as autumn clouds. Observe the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance. A life is like a flash of lightning in the sky, passing quickly like a river in a steep mountain. "

We stopped a moment to meet each other, to know, to love, to share. This is a precious moment, but is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity. If we share with compassion, lightness of heart, and love, we will create abundance and joy for all of us. Then the moment will have been worthwhile.

With this we We terminate our series on the book of Deepak Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, I hope you liked it and they has served to interest and / or to understand a little more. The author recommends practicing these laws every day, focusing on one per day, beginning on Sunday with the Law of Pure Potentiality and end the sequence on Saturday with the Law of Dharma. In this way, all people who are following these laws focus on the same day of the week and you think so many individual minds thus synchronized, they can achieve?

I served a lot this series, although he had read the book some time ago, the very fact of making a weekly law helped me ripen a little longer.
Well if you want to know more about this author, visit the website

The music of this podcast called sunshine and is kevin mcleod .

Now I say goodbye, cuidense much, embrace and bon voyage!


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