Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ways To Not Masterbate

Ep 57: 7) The Law of Dharma

Today we reached the final of the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success, according to the book of the same name written by Deepak Chopra. For those new to the route up, I tell them we have been reviewing one by one the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. We saw 1) Pure Potentiality, 2) Giving and Receiving, 3) Karma 4) Law of Least Effort, the 5) Law of Intention and Desire and 6) Law of Detachment. In this episode we review the seventh and final that is the Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life.

Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means "purpose in life." The Law of Dharma says that we are all manifested in the physical world to fulfill a purpose. The field of pure potentiality is divinity in nature, and the divine takes human form to fulfill a purpose.

According to this law, you have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There is something you can do better than anyone else in the world - and for every unique talent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs are coupled with the creative expression of your talent, there is the spark that creates wealth. Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.

If we could get kids had this thought from the beginning of their lives, we could see the effect this would have on their lives. In fact, I did this with my own children. Again and again, I told them there was a reason for them to be here, and they had to find which was the reason for each of them. From the age of four years, they heard this.

also taught them to meditate when they were more or less the same age, and said, "I do not ever, ever, worry about as going to make a living. If they are unable to earn a living when they grow up, I'm going to keep, so do not worry about that. I do not want to worry about doing well in school. I do not want to focus on having the best grades or going to the best schools. In what I really want to focus is to ask yourself how they can serve humanity, and also wonder what their unique talents. Because you have a unique talent that nobody else has, and also have a special way of expressing that talent, and nobody else does. "They ended up going to the best schools, top grades, and even in college, are unique who are economically independent because they focused on what they could deliver. This is the Law of Dharma.

This law has three components. The first says that each of us must discover his true inner self, to understand ourselves our true inner self is spiritual, that essentially we are spiritual beings that we have manifested in physical form. We are not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences - it's the opposite: we are spiritual beings having occasional human experiences.

Each of us is here to discover our spiritual being. This is the first way to satisfy the law of Dharma. We have to realize for ourselves that within each of us is a god or goddess in embryo that wants to be born so that we can express our divinity.

The second component of the Law of Dharma is to express our unique talents. The Law of Dharma says that every human being has unique talents, and unique in its expression, so unique that no one else on the planet that have that talent, or the expression of that talent. This means that there is one thing you can do, and one way to do that is better than anyone else on the planet. When you're doing that thing, you lose track of time. When you are expressing that unique talent you possess - or a unique talent in many cases - expression of that talent takes you on an eternal consciousness, without limitation of time.

The third component of the Law of Dharma is service to humanity - to serve your neighbor and ask, "how I can help? How I can help everyone who came into contact with? "When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you're making use of the Law of Dharma. And if it together with the experience of your own spirituality, the field of pure potentiality, then there is no possibility that you do not have access to unlimited wealth, because that is the true way that wealth is achieved.

This is not a temporal abundance, is permanent, because of your unique talent, your way of putting it, and your service and dedication to your neighbor, discovered by yourself the question, "How I can help? Instead of "What I can win?"

The question, "What I can win?" Is the internal dialogue of the ego. The ask "How I can help?" Is the internal dialogue of the spirit. The spirit is that of your awareness where you experience your universality. Simply changing your internal dialogue of "What do I get?" To "How I can help?" You can access the spirit, that domain in your consciousness where experience your universality.

If you want to maximize your use of the Law of Dharma, you have to make several commitments.

- The first is, I'll get my higher self, which is beyond my ego, through spiritual practice.

- The second commitment is: I will find my s unique talents, and I will enjoy, because the process happens when I get to enjoy the consciousness without time limit. That's when I'm in a state of exhilaration.

- The third commitment is: I'll ask myself what is the best way I can serve humanity. I will answer that question and then I'll put it into practice. I will use my unique talents to serve the need my neighbor - I will join those needs with my desire to help and serve others.

Now sit down and make a list of answers to these two questions: if the money were not a concern and had all the time and money in the world, what would you do? If your answer is to continue doing what you do now, then you are in dharma, because you have passion for what you do - you are expressing your unique talents.

Then ask yourself: what is the best way I can serve humanity? Answer that question and then put it into practice.

Discover your divinity, find your unique talent, serve humanity with it, and you generate all the wealth you want. When your creative expressions fit the needs of your neighbor, then the riches will flow spontaneously from the unmanifest to the manifest, from the realm of spirit to the realm of form. Begin to experience your life as a miraculous expression of divinity - not just occasionally but all the time. And you will know and will know the true joy and meaning of success - the ecstasy and the glory of your own spirit.

To implement the Law of Dharma, Deepak Chopra we recommend the following steps:

1) Today lovingly feed it to the god or goddess in embryo that lies deep within my soul. I will listen to the spirit within me that gives life to both my body and my mind. I wake up to this deep stillness within my heart. Bring awareness of eternal Being in the midst of this experience related to time.

2) I will list my unique talents. Then I'll list all the things I like to do while expressing my unique talents. When I express my unique talents and use them for the service of humanity, I lose track of time and I abundance in my life as well as the lives of others.

3) I ask daily, "How I can serve?" And "How I can help?" The answer to these questions allow me to help and serve my fellow man with love.

This is the last of the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. The pursuit of dharma, our purpose in life is one of my ongoing concerns is an ongoing concern. That is what I mean when I say that we seek to live the life of our dreams. What can be better than doing what we love, what we love to do, what we enjoy, while also helping our neighbors, our environment, our families, our friends, and at the same time create wealth for ourselves and those around us? That to me sounds exactly like the life of my dreams!

Well, I hope you enjoyed and I have served these spiritual laws of success. To me if you have served me well although obviously not mastered yet, I'm just starting to use them, but I make much sense and so I thought you could serve them well.

Let's do an episode summary and closing as well if you have any comments, feedback, thoughts or whatever about this series, let me get to the mail at this blog, or via / larutadelavida

The new theme song called sunshine and Kevin McLeod.

Now I say goodbye, take care a lot, a hug and bon voyage!


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