Time Anywhere in the world, the best of your life will come out and be known. Everyone in our life something unusual, which was assigned to us by divine grace, it is only a matter of time is evident. note: Enable subtitles icon below the video screen
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Monday, May 25, 2009
Physical Therapy Gift Suggestion
Friday, May 22, 2009
Flu Like Symptoms When Quitting Smoking
Gran Sabana
Sunset Plains
Dunes Coro, Falcón
Pico Bolivar, Pico Espejo. Mérida. & # 160; , & # 160;
slide forest, Amazonas
Morrocoy, Falcon
El Ávila, Caracas
Special beautiful land that God gave us, this is just a sample of some the benefits beautiful that our gentile Venezuelan pride. Thank you Dear Lord. Give us wisdom and grace.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Friday Night Gay Charlotte
ime one, and the pains of childbirth.
what would do for me?. tell me how many times to plant a tree? how many times have you invited a tender child, to contemplate the beauty of the sea and its movement?
     Aún no comprendo, ¿cómo dándoles todo a mis hijos, alimentándolos, recreándolos, en fin dándoles la vida misma; me causan tanto daño y dolor?   les doy estos regalos   que son 
únicos….                                                                                 google.com Labels: John Greek
Sunset, Isla Margarita And yet ... "Pain and more pain"
All we delegated the Eden, we were told exactly what to do. By definition we require by Father eternal, it our job creation and performance, as well as for our future generations.
for Green awareness. GA
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ohio Car Seat Rule Under 4'11
"... Train up a child in the way, and when he is old he will not depart from it ..." Proverbs. 22; 6 the Bible.
Confucius said: Raise your children with a little hungry and a little cold.
The love we have for our children that we often tend to forget that blind us and make them happy in the long run. It is very common these days that parents, especially those of certain economic resources, we build an imaginary world out of a fairy Walt Disney, and isolating them from reality. When sooner or later the story ends, our children are facing an unfamiliar world, who do not understand, full of traps and dead ends who can not overcome, and the consequences are worse than they wanted to avoid. Recently the image of a father with tears in her eyes the whole world was deeply moved. Pele, the soccer idol recent times, who unlike other occasions, gave a press conference of the saddest and most painful of his life:
Pele told the media: "Like any parent, it is sad to see your son involved in groups like that and be arrested, but he must suffer the consequences." He added, "Unfortunately, I probably was too busy and I did not realize. It is unfortunate, because I've always fought against drugs and did not notice what was happening in my own house. "
Pelé is a global character as an athlete admirable and honest man who never lost his humility as other sports figures. However, it is sad that a good man and talented as he is "distracted" in its most important move: the education of their children
.think with that already done their job as parents, when all they have achieved is to train children know hunger and throw what they dislike. Children tyrants and arrogant little monsters unbearable to suffer and cause suffering to their peers because since childhood have gotten away with it.
boys who believe they feel cold or hot air is a matter of conditioning, which have felt the fatigue that limited walking several blocks because it was parked in front of the club, boys who think the job of parents is for them to sign checks have everything they crave. What chance have our children become men and women of good if the parents give them everything and will not educate them? What children we are training our attitude if we show that money is the most important thing in life?
Proverbs says, "Discipline your children," the Bible. do much good parents to their children when they put that maxim so simple in practice.
And how much damage they do to put them all on a silver platter. There are many realities that as parents we would disappear, the suffering of children, excessive sweating, stress, and economic hardship. However, these realities may not make them happy for now, but eventually they can make men and women as well.
Hopefully more parents have concerns finding out where to walk their children. They will not get to pass that when time should have read: "I was too busy and I did not realize." "Take care now possible, that God will take for you to do the impossible" " ... Everything that man soweth, that it will reap ... "Galatians 6:7, the Bible. Kadosh.
Taken: Thought and frases.com, Notes, GA
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Harold And Kumar Party
is well known that the biblical scripture mentions a Hebrew term to describe not only this concept, but the implications deep in the life of the people who know God in a personal relationship. "
But really what happened in the remote context and biblical when it manifested? What issues of national interest and collective meant it? perhaps it was just a joy and personal satisfaction, and what its impact on the environment of people? What about its effect on society today?
What will still tried to maintain the historical pattern of doors inside, for the manifestation of the deeper issues and urgent needs of humanity into something we call church?
When I look at the world today
Hungry children
moral decay
the air we breathe,
logging of our forests
among others. I wonder what did we talk Gloria tag?. There comes to mind a passage from Scripture that says "... the creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth until now ... waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God ... "Rom. 8:22.
My note is fatalistic sense, but reflective. I firmly believe that God's glory will come in full and all things shall be restored. However, requires our direct involvement in this process since, for that we were placed on this planet so beautiful. GA
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Benefit From Dried Mango
Dear fellow readers, here are a short list of names compiled in my country Zulia. It's just to show some of our peculiarities.
Digest: Eulalia
Mesa Bravo Armada Armada War
Eufínio Lamata Angel Machuca Segura
Bello Labarca Armando Piña
Elpidio de la Hoya
Torres & Elsi Scale # 160; Concha Eudo Vale
Clara Honey Chair & # 160; Elda Romi
Barriga José Silva Elano Bello Concho Tower
Duilia Rock Head
Elsie Elsy Mata machuca Verdugo Bravo
hair Elpidio Rosa Cabezas Socorro
Casimiro Feo & # 160; Plinio Armando Guerra Pinto
Red Doors
I hope you have been friendly and funny this show, and at the same time enjoy the particular of our Earth Zulia. Later I'll make other deliveries on the same subject. GA