Well, going into today's topic, I tell you that because it is a subject for for long, for more than one episode, my idea is to make a series of 3 episodes on the topic of Designing your identity. Here in the path are always talking about design your life, to design the life of your dreams but to achieve that is important to build for yourself, for yourself. Thus was born this series "Designing Your identity" that will consist of these 3 parts:
- you exactly who you want to be
- Opportunities for Improving
The point I want to emphasize here is that all those things you want them to be different, depend on you to do something different, depending on you. And maybe because you are not 100% aware of this, your power to be whoever you want, you have not yet changed. But once you assume that really is in you be as you want them, you realize that this phrase is very empowering!: You're exactly who you want to be. You are who you choose to be who you choose to be.
When we say you are who you can be, we should also say "you are who you think you can be," because we will see more in the third part of this series, but your beliefs about what is possible or not for you, determine what it is finally possible, especially your beliefs about what is NOT possible.
Finally, you who insist on being every day, every moment, every moment. Do not want to jump right here on the issue of gaps between who are and who you want to be, because that is the subject of the second part of this series, but I want you to stay with the question: what aspects you can recognize that although you do not like, insist on repeating day after day, constantly? You might be pessimistic, for example, or like me, who until a time was very sarcastic. There came a time when I no longer hated even myself. But I thought I could not stop, could not be different, and of course, continued day after day, with my sarcasm ... obviously you can imagine, thank God I realized that he could change. You who insist on being every day and declare who you are. "I'm bad for sports "was my statement until some time until I realized it was only an excuse for not making a change in my sedentary habits. Einstein said "The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing and expecting different results, so if there is any aspect of your personality or your person you'd like to be different, you have to change something you, you can not expect different results unless you change something.
Summing up this first installment of the series "Designing Your Identity", I would like you to stay with the ideas "are exactly who you want to be," "You are who you choose to be who you choose be, "" You are who you be and who you think you can be, "and" You are who insist on being day after day. "
I do not know you but I find it very empowering realization that taking responsibility for the way I am is mine and nobody else, thinking that the characteristics of each of us can be modified if we do not like me very quiet and somehow also eliminate the frustration because I know I can do something when not satisfied.
When we truly understand and incorporate these concepts and work on ourselves designing our identity, identity that we want, we are proud and grateful who we are and never feel that we have to apologize for being who we are, who we are.
As task for all, I would like us to stay with to realize how we are, how we react, what habits we have, what are the major characteristics of our personality, what are those 3, 4, 5, 10 things define us and make us unique. Without judging, just bring all that information to our conscious level. For example: I am punctual, indecisive, always take mid-morning coffee, I like to know about new technologies, I dislike interrupt me when I watch TV, etc.. Pay attention as we are. Nothing more. The next
installment of this series then we will see opportunities for improvement, we will see how to identify gaps and also find out who you want to be, sometimes not as easy as it sounds be clear.
Well, we reached the end of this episode, I hope you liked it.
Ah, I wanted to tell me I'm traveling this next Thursday, October 1, so I'm not sure if I can keep doing the two weekly episodes of the podcast as usual until you return to Chicago, but I will do my best to achieve it. Anyway I will be reporting through this blog for any news. I will also put the link to the page of the marathon, where my name will be able to know if you reach the goal or not, and how long.
This gives me the perfect link to access the comment that they can now blog via www.larutadelavida.com , I think it's much easier to remember than the address above. The mail is larutadelavida@gmail.com , or we can communicate via twitter.com / larutadelavida . I appreciate all the feedback and support that have made me get through all these ways, Jesus Mercado by Twitter, Sole of Argentina for the blog, Luis Felipe, Panama and Mexico Diana Hair by mail.
The music on this podcast is called Sunshine and is Kevin Mcleod .
Now I say goodbye, take care, reflect on these days over who want to be, a hug and a nice trip!