Thursday, May 7, 2009

Harold And Kumar Party

"The Cloud of Glory"

is well known that the biblical scripture mentions a Hebrew term to describe not only this concept, but the implications deep in the life of the people who know God in a personal relationship. "
Shekinah" niño rico expression is very common in certain sectors Christians as it relates to an atmosphere that takes possession of a place or

But really what happened in the remote context and biblical when it manifested? What issues of national interest and collective meant it? perhaps it was just a joy and personal satisfaction, and what its impact on the environment of people? What about its effect on society today?
What will still tried to maintain the historical pattern of doors inside, for the manifestation of the deeper issues and urgent needs of humanity into something we call church?

When I look at the world today

Hungry children

nube de gloria Elderly abandoned

Nubes 13

Family and Human Neglect, Pobreza Niños sufriendo

moral decay

anciana en calle anciano en la calle Pollution of rivers and seas,

the air we breathe,

logging of our forests

Calles hambrientas Endangered Animals

decadencia Moral

contaminación de Rios contaminación de Mares 1

contaminación del aire 1 contaminación del aire 2

destrucción de bosques 1 among others. I wonder what did we talk Gloria tag?. There comes to mind a passage from Scripture that says "... the creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth until now ... waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God ... "Rom. 8:22. destrucción de bosques 2 My note is fatalistic sense, but reflective. I firmly believe that God's glory will come in full and all things shall be restored. However, requires our direct involvement in this process since, for that we were placed on this planet so beautiful. GA


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