Dear reader, I have in mind that the articles you'll read below are transcribed as they as they are in this Act for its second plenary discussion before the Anen Vzla in June. Step to introduce some of the articles. Chapter II. of sexual and reproductive rights. Article 7, paragraph 3. The State guarantees and
he right of everyone to enjoy a pleasurable sexuality, responsible and free, with full ability to exercise sexual orientation and identity of your choice, without discrimination and on equal terms.Included and coins the phrase living associations by deleting the word marriage.
Article 8. Everyone has the right to exercise sexual orientation and identity of your choice, freely and without discrimination. Accordingly, the State recognizes the coexistence associations formed between two people of same sex, by mutual agreement and consent, with full legal and financial effects. Who in the exercise of freedom referred to this article will change gender for reasons other surgical or entitled to recognition of their identity and the issuance or amendment of documents related to identification. Likewise, the State will ensure the means necessary medical care for their full social integration and recognition on an equal footing.Article 10. ... The State shall ensure the inclusion of issues related to gender in the process education at all levels and patterns .....
These items and others are part of what we are discussing and disseminating regional assemblies in the states. to end for now I leave this. Chapter 5. Article 32. misconduct are considered violations or violations of any kind to the provisions of this law. Without prejudice to the disciplinary sanctions that would place individuals or public or private institutions that undermine their actions or omissions or the results of which violate or discriminate against the rights protected under this Act shall have the sanctions civilians. criminal or administrative, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of the respective laws of matter. . I hope this serves to make value judgments on a hot topic and is being discussed and approved at the back of the Venezuelan people once again by the NA.